CCES Confirmation

…working collaboratively…

How do we teach our teens to make their faith real?
And how can we teach them to take the “everyday” around them and turn it into a creative way to connect to God?

From 2008 to the present, Becky has culled through the many curricula used in her church experiences,
and has designed a semester long comprehensive confirmation curriculum
that covers the topics of God, Jesus, the Bible, church, service and faith.

Creative resources used in her curriculum include Praying in Color, the Six Word Memoir,
and inviting other people of faith who serve within your local church context
to round out the overall learning.
One of her goals for the instruction of the confirmation class
is to make the kids’ experience as little like school as possible.
Her confirmation gatherings include discussion, journaling, spiritual practices,
experiential worship, service projects,
prayer, art, escape rooms, ice cream,

…and FUN!

Becky offers full instruction of your Confirmation classes.
**for a separate fee, retreat leadership is also offered**

Becky has been a Confirmation instructor at churches
throughout Connecticut in Guilford, Westport, Westbrook, Essex, and Old Saybrook.

She is currently serving as the Director of Christian Education in the Westbrook Congregational Church,
and as the regional Youth Minister for the Congregational Churches of Essex, Westbrook, and Old Saybrook.

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