Becky’s Story

…loving abundantly…

Becky Stambaugh

Becky loves New England.
She loves the Fall, fireplaces, cozy blankets,
and cuddling up on her couch to look at the fallen snow.

Becky loves the local church.
She was raised in a ‘churchy’ family,
and loves swapping recipes at the monthly potluck suppers,
having ‘conversations’ about what color the new carpeting should be in the sanctuary,
and hanging out with folks during coffee hour after service.

She loves all things artsy.
Whether it’s painting a picture or painting a classroom,
writing a story or writing a lesson plan,
rearranging the furniture in her house for the umpteenth time or designing a new kids’ space,
creating something new has always inspired her.

When she wants to relax, she loves hanging out with her hubby,
eating good food with friends and family,
bingewatching Jane Austen flicks, and reading a good book.

Her schooling started back in the day,
and led to a Bachelor of Science degree in English Education from The King’s College,
and a Master of Science degree in Christian Counseling from Cairn University.

After her schooling, she spent several years
co-leading the high school youth group at her home church
and teaching middle/high school English and Drama
at the public school in her New Jersey hometown.

In 2007, her husband Dave got the call to be an Associate Minister in Hollywood, California.
Once in the City of Angels, she combined her Education and Counseling background
and moved into a ministry setting.
She served at Hollywood United Methodist Church as their Children’s Ministry Coordinator,
growing their children’s roster from 12 to 120 active little cherubs.
There, she created ‘Chapel Time’, an experiential worship space designed especially for kids.
HUMC taught her about urban ministry, how to love the homeless population,
and find lifelong friendships within the LGBTQ+ community.

At the beginning of 2015, Dave and Becky moved from
the ‘left’ coast to the ‘right’ coast, and settled in Connecticut
where Becky took a position at the First Congregational Church in Guilford.
As their Director of Children and Family Ministries, she honed the ‘Chapel Time’ experience,
and built onto the existing Confirmation curriculum and program.
It was here she found an appreciation for the United Church of Christ denomination.

In the fall of 2019, she joined her husband at Greens Farms Church in Westport,
and served as the Director of Youth Ministry…
then promptly went into COVID lockdown.
Although everyone in the CE world experienced the challenges of
Zoom youth group and Sunday School,
she continues to find her liberation after being locked up for two years!

In the summer of 2022, she took a step forward to pursue her passion
for encouraging, supporting and walking alongside Christian Education
and Faith Formation leaders in the local church, and launched Creative CE Solutions.
CCES works with local churches to inspire, create, and renew.

At the start of the fall in 2022, Becky began serving at Westbrook Congregational Church,
where she is now the Christian Education Director. Here, she also taught the first combined Confirmation class for Essex, Westbrook, and Old Saybrook.

In December of 2023, she was hired as the Shoreline Youth Ministry Director, serving youth in Westbrook, Old Saybrook and Essex.

Over the years, she has been invited to teach various Stepping Stone workshops,
offer assistance to other churches in need of Christian Education support,
lead confirmation retreats at Silver Lake Conference Center,
and facilitate a Community of Practice for CE and Faith Formation colleagues.

If you are in need of a CE professional to consult or evaluate,
to provide interim instruction, or simply to talk about hiring a children’s minister for the first time,
reach out today to start the conversation
and begin the journey together.

Becky has served children and youth at churches
throughout Connecticut in Guilford, Westport, Westbrook, Essex, and Old Saybrook,
as well as in Kenilworth NJ and Hollywood CA.

Becky is currently serving as the Director of Christian Education in the Westbrook Congregational Church,
and as the regional Youth Minister for the Congregational Churches of Essex, Westbrook, and Old Saybrook.

Becky and Dave make their home along the Connecticut Shoreline.

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